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Creating the Escudero-Sanz eye model with ZOSPy#

This example demonstrates how to ZOSPy can be used to describe an optical eye model and to subsequently calculate its point spread function. The model is based on data of I. Escudero-Sanz and R. Navarro.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import zospy as zp
from zospy import solvers
from zospy.analyses import OnComplete

Define eye model#

wavelength = 543.0  # nm

Define the refractive index of the optical elements of the eye

refinds = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=[458, 543, 589.3, 632.8],
    index=["Cornea", "Aqueous", "Lens", "Vitreous"],
        [1.3828, 1.3777, 1.376, 1.3747],
        [1.3445, 1.3391, 1.3374, 1.336],
        [1.4292, 1.4222, 1.42, 1.4183],
        [1.3428, 1.3377, 1.336, 1.3347],

Define the eye model geometry

# Cornea front
cf_radius = 7.72  # mm
cf_conic = -0.26
cf_thickness = 0.55  # mm

# Cornea back
cb_radius = 6.50  # mm
cb_conic = 0
cb_thickness = 3.05  # mm

# Pupil
pupil_semidiameter = 1.5  # mm

# Lens front
lf_radius = 10.20  # mm
lf_conic = -3.1316
lf_thickness = 4.00  # mm

# Lens back
lb_radius = -6.00  # mm
lb_conic = -1.0
lb_thickness = 16.3202  # mm

# Retina
ret_radius = -12.00  # mm
ret_conic = 0

Connect to OpticStudio#

zos = zp.ZOS()
oss = zos.connect(mode="extension")

Create model#

Open a new optical system and put it in sequential mode

# set wavelength
wl_1 = oss.SystemData.Wavelengths.GetWavelength(1)
wl_1.Wavelength = wavelength / 1000  # convert to nanometer

# Set aperture type
oss.SystemData.Aperture.ApertureType = zp.constants.SystemData.ZemaxApertureType.FloatByStopSize
# input beam (to visualize the input beam in the system viewer)
input_beam = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(1)
input_beam.Comment = "InputBeam"
input_beam.Thickness = 10  # mm

# cornea front
cornea_front = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(2)
cornea_front.Comment = "Cornea Front"
cornea_front.Radius = cf_radius
cornea_front.Conic = cf_conic
cornea_front.SemiDiameter = 6  # mm
cornea_front.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6  # mm
cornea_front.Thickness = cf_thickness
solvers.material_model(cornea_front.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Cornea", wavelength], 0, 0)

# cornea back
cornea_back = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(3)
cornea_back.Comment = "Cornea Back"
cornea_back.Radius = cb_radius
cornea_back.Conic = cb_conic
cornea_back.SemiDiameter = 5  # mm
cornea_back.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6  # mm
cornea_back.Thickness = cb_thickness
solvers.material_model(cornea_back.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Aqueous", wavelength], 0, 0)

# iris/pupil
iris = oss.LDE.GetSurfaceAt(4)
iris.Comment = "Iris"
iris.SemiDiameter = pupil_semidiameter
iris.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6  # mm
solvers.material_model(iris.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Aqueous", wavelength], 0, 0)

# Lens front
lens_front = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(5)
lens_front.Comment = "Lens Front"
lens_front.Radius = lf_radius
lens_front.Conic = lf_conic
lens_front.SemiDiameter = 4.5  # mm
lens_front.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 4.5  # mm
lens_front.Thickness = lf_thickness
solvers.material_model(lens_front.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Lens", wavelength], 0, 0)

# Lens back
lens_back = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(6)
lens_back.Comment = "Lens Back"
lens_back.Radius = lb_radius
lens_back.Conic = lb_conic
lens_back.SemiDiameter = 4.5  # mm
lens_back.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 4.5  # mm
lens_back.Thickness = lb_thickness
solvers.material_model(lens_back.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Vitreous", wavelength], 0, 0)

# Retina
retina = oss.LDE.GetSurfaceAt(7)
retina.Comment = "Retina"
retina.Radius = ret_radius
retina.Conic = ret_conic
retina.SemiDiameter = 12  # mm
solvers.material_model(retina.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Vitreous", wavelength], 0, 0)
<ZOSAPI.Editors.ISolveMaterialModel object at 0x0000026F2A5E12C0>

Plot the eye model using OpticStudio’s 3D layout function#

# Define plot settings
cornea_front.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = False
cornea_back.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
iris.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
lens_front.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = False
lens_back.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
draw3d = zp.analyses.systemviewers.viewer_3d(oss, oncomplete=OnComplete.Sustain)
shaded = zp.analyses.systemviewers.shaded_model(oss, oncomplete=OnComplete.Release)

3D layout of central vision

Compute and plot the Huygens Point Spread Function of the eye model#

psf = zp.analyses.psf.huygens_psf(oss, "256x256", "256x256", normalize=False, oncomplete=OnComplete.Sustain)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(psf.Data, cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x26f2a681290>

Redo these calculations for light at a different eccentricity#

field1 = oss.SystemData.Fields.GetField(1)
field1.Y = 15  # degrees
# Visualize the new beam settings

3D layout with an input beam at 15°

Recalculate the Huygens point spread function

psf = zp.analyses.psf.huygens_psf(oss, "256x256", "256x256", normalize=False, oncomplete=OnComplete.Sustain)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(psf.Data, cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x26f2a652610>