Creating the Escudero-Sanz eye model with ZOSPy#
This example shows how to create and analyze a wide-angle eye model described in the paper Off-axis aberrations of a wide-angle schematic eye model by I. Escudero-Sanz and R. Navarro.
Included functionalities#
Sequential mode:
Usage of
to model the refractive index of the elements of the eye.Usage of
to open viewers.Usage of
to perform a Huygens PSF analysis.
Next to citing ZOSPy, please also cite the following paper when using the data provided in this example:
Escudero-Sanz, I. & Navarro, R. (1999). Off-axis aberrations of a wide-angle schematic eye model. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 16(8), 1881-1891.
Warranty and liability#
The examples are provided ‘as is’. There is no warranty and rights cannot be derived from them, as is also stated in the general license of this repository.
Import dependencies#
from warnings import warn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import zospy as zp
from zospy import solvers
from zospy.analyses import OnComplete
Define eye model#
wavelength = 543.0 # nm
Define the refractive index of the optical elements of the eye
refinds = pd.DataFrame(
columns=[458, 543, 589.3, 632.8],
index=["Cornea", "Aqueous", "Lens", "Vitreous"],
[1.3828, 1.3777, 1.376, 1.3747],
[1.3445, 1.3391, 1.3374, 1.336],
[1.4292, 1.4222, 1.42, 1.4183],
[1.3428, 1.3377, 1.336, 1.3347],
Define the eye model geometry
# Cornea front
cf_radius = 7.72 # mm
cf_conic = -0.26
cf_thickness = 0.55 # mm
# Cornea back
cb_radius = 6.50 # mm
cb_conic = 0
cb_thickness = 3.05 # mm
# Pupil
pupil_semidiameter = 1.5 # mm
# Lens front
lf_radius = 10.20 # mm
lf_conic = -3.1316
lf_thickness = 4.00 # mm
# Lens back
lb_radius = -6.00 # mm
lb_conic = -1.0
lb_thickness = 16.3202 # mm
# Retina
ret_radius = -12.00 # mm
ret_conic = 0
Connect to OpticStudio#
zos = zp.ZOS()
oss = zos.connect(mode="extension")
Create model#
Open a new optical system and put it in sequential mode
# set wavelength
wl_1 = oss.SystemData.Wavelengths.GetWavelength(1)
wl_1.Wavelength = wavelength / 1000 # convert to nanometer
# Set aperture type
oss.SystemData.Aperture.ApertureType = zp.constants.SystemData.ZemaxApertureType.FloatByStopSize
# input beam (to visualize the input beam in the system viewer)
input_beam = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(1)
input_beam.Comment = "InputBeam"
input_beam.Thickness = 10 # mm
# cornea front
cornea_front = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(2)
cornea_front.Comment = "Cornea Front"
cornea_front.Radius = cf_radius
cornea_front.Conic = cf_conic
cornea_front.SemiDiameter = 6 # mm
cornea_front.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6 # mm
cornea_front.Thickness = cf_thickness
solvers.material_model(cornea_front.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Cornea", wavelength], 0, 0)
# cornea back
cornea_back = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(3)
cornea_back.Comment = "Cornea Back"
cornea_back.Radius = cb_radius
cornea_back.Conic = cb_conic
cornea_back.SemiDiameter = 5 # mm
cornea_back.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6 # mm
cornea_back.Thickness = cb_thickness
solvers.material_model(cornea_back.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Aqueous", wavelength], 0, 0)
# iris/pupil
iris = oss.LDE.GetSurfaceAt(4)
iris.Comment = "Iris"
iris.SemiDiameter = pupil_semidiameter
iris.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 6 # mm
solvers.material_model(iris.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Aqueous", wavelength], 0, 0)
# Lens front
lens_front = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(5)
lens_front.Comment = "Lens Front"
lens_front.Radius = lf_radius
lens_front.Conic = lf_conic
lens_front.SemiDiameter = 4.5 # mm
lens_front.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 4.5 # mm
lens_front.Thickness = lf_thickness
solvers.material_model(lens_front.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Lens", wavelength], 0, 0)
# Lens back
lens_back = oss.LDE.InsertNewSurfaceAt(6)
lens_back.Comment = "Lens Back"
lens_back.Radius = lb_radius
lens_back.Conic = lb_conic
lens_back.SemiDiameter = 4.5 # mm
lens_back.MechanicalSemiDiameter = 4.5 # mm
lens_back.Thickness = lb_thickness
solvers.material_model(lens_back.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Vitreous", wavelength], 0, 0)
# Retina
retina = oss.LDE.GetSurfaceAt(7)
retina.Comment = "Retina"
retina.Radius = ret_radius
retina.Conic = ret_conic
retina.SemiDiameter = 12 # mm
solvers.material_model(retina.MaterialCell, refinds.loc["Vitreous", wavelength], 0, 0)
<ZOSAPI.Editors.ISolveMaterialModel object at 0x000001A429C4D0C0>
Plot the eye model using OpticStudio’s 3D layout function#
# Define plot settings
cornea_front.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = False
cornea_back.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
iris.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
lens_front.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = False
lens_back.DrawData.DoNotDrawEdgesFromThisSurface = True
def draw_model(oss):
cross_section = zp.analyses.systemviewers.cross_section(
oss, delete_vignetted=True, number_of_rays=11, line_thickness="Thick"
shaded = zp.analyses.systemviewers.shaded_model(oss, oncomplete=OnComplete.Release)
if oss._ZOS.version < (24, 1, 0):
warn("Exporting the 3D viewer data is not available for this version of OpticStudio.")
Compute and plot the Huygens Point Spread Function of the eye model#
psf = zp.analyses.psf.huygens_psf(oss, "256x256", "256x256", normalize=False, oncomplete=OnComplete.Sustain)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(psf.Data, cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1a427ab5390>
Redo these calculations for light at a different eccentricity#
field1 = oss.SystemData.Fields.GetField(1)
field1.Y = 15 # degrees
# Visualize the new beam settings
Recalculate the Huygens point spread function
psf = zp.analyses.psf.huygens_psf(oss, "256x256", "256x256", normalize=False, oncomplete=OnComplete.Sustain)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(psf.Data, cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1a429f62550>