


zospy.analyses.psf.huygens_psf(oss, pupil_sampling: str | int = '32x32', image_sampling: str | int = '32x32', image_delta: float = 0, rotation: float = 0, wavelength: str | int = 'All', field: str | int = 1, psftype: constants.Analysis.Settings.HuygensPsfTypes | str = 'Linear', show_as: constants.Analysis.HuygensShowAsTypes | str = 'Surface', use_polarization: bool = False, use_centroid: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, oncomplete: OnComplete | str = OnComplete.Close) AnalysisResult#

Wrapper around the OpticStudio Huygens PSF.

oss: zospy.zpcore.OpticStudioSystem

A ZOSPy OpticStudioSystem instance. Should be sequential.

pupil_sampling: str | int

The pupil sampling, either string (e.g. ‘64x64’) or int. The integer will be treated as a ZOSAPI Constants integer.

image_sampling: str | int

The image sampling, either string (e.g. ‘64x64’) or int. The integer will be treated as a ZOSAPI Constants integer.

image_delta: float | int

The image delta

rotation: int

The rotation, should be one of [0, 90, 180, 270].

wavelength: str | int

The wavelength number that is to be used. Either ‘All’ or an integer specifying the wavelength number. Defaults to ‘All’.

field: str | int

The field number that is to be used. Either ‘All’ or an integer specifying the field number. Defaults to 1.

psftype: str | int

The PSF type (e.g. ‘Linear’) that is calculated. Defaults to ‘Linear’.

show_as: str | int

Defines how the data is showed within OpticStudio. Defaults to ‘Surface’

use_polarization: bool

Defines if polarization is used. Defaults to False.

use_centroid: bool

Defines if centroid is used. Defaults to False.

normalize: bool

Defines if normalization is used. Defaults to False.

oncomplete: OnComplete | str

Defines behaviour upon completion of the analysis. Should be one of [‘Close’, ‘Release’, ‘Sustain’]. If ‘Close’, the analysis will be closed after completion. If ‘Release’, the analysis will remain open in OpticStudio, but the link with python will be destroyed. If ‘Sustain’ the analysis will be kept open in OpticStudio and the link with python will be sustained. To enable interaction when oncomplete == ‘Sustain’, the OpticStudio Analysis instance will be available in the returned AnalysisResult through AnalysisResult.Analysis. Defaults to ‘Close’.


A HuygensPsf analysis result