


zospy.analyses.surface.curvature(oss: OpticStudioSystem, sampling: str = '65x65', data: constants.Analysis.SurfaceCurvatureData | str = 'TangentialCurvature', remove: constants.Analysis.RemoveOptions | str | None = 'None_', surface: int = 1, showas: constants.Analysis.ShowAs | str = 'Contour', offaxiscoordinates: bool = False, contourformat: str = '', bfs_criterion: constants.Analysis.BestFitSphereOptions | str = 'MinimumVolume', bfs_reversedirection: bool = False, oncomplete: OnComplete | str = OnComplete.Close) AnalysisResult#

Wrapper around the OpticStudio Curvature analysis.

oss: zospy.zpcore.OpticStudioSystem

A ZOSPy OpticStudioSystem instance. Should be sequential.

sampling: str | int

The size of the used grid, either string (e.g. ‘65x65’) or int. The integer will be treated as if obtained from zospy.constants.Analysis.SampleSizes_Pow2Plus1_X. Defaults to ‘65x65’.

data: str

The used data type. Should be one of [‘TangentialCurvature’, ‘SagittalCurvature’, ‘X_Curvature’, ‘Y_Curvature’] or int. The integer will be treated as if obtained from zospy.constants.Analysis.SurfaceCurvatureData. Defaults to ‘TangentialCurvature’.

remove: str | int

Defines whether a reference volume is removed or not. Should be one of [‘None’, ‘BaseROC’, ‘BestFitSphere’] or int. The integer will be treated as if obtained from zospy.constants.Analysis.RemoveOptions. Defaults to ‘None’.

surface: int

The surface that is te be analyzed. defaults to 1.

showas: str | int

Defines how the data is displayed in OpticStudio. Should be one of [‘Surface’, ‘Contour’, ‘GreyScale’, ‘InverseGreyScale’, ‘FalseColor’, ‘InverseFalseColor’] or int. The integer will be treated as if obtained from zospyconstants.Analysis.ShowAs. Defaults to ‘Contour’.

offaxiscoordinates: bool

Defines whether apertures defined in the Surface Properties of the surface are considered or not. Defaults to False.

contourformat: str

The contour format. Only usable when showas == ‘Contour’. Defaults to ‘’.

bfs_criterion: str | int

The criterion for BFS removal. Only usable when remove == ‘BestFitSphere’. Should be one of [‘MinimumVolume’, ‘MinimumRMS’, ‘MinimumRMSWithOffset’] or int. The integer will be treated as if obtained from constants.Analysis.BestFitSphereOptions. Defaults to ‘MinimumVolume’.

bfs_reversedirection: bool

Defines if the sign of the BFS radius should be reversed or not. Only usable when remove == ‘BestFitSphere’ and bfs_criterion == ‘MinimumVolume’. Defaults to False.

oncomplete: OnComplete | str

Defines behaviour upon completion of the analysis. Should be one of [‘Close’, ‘Release’, ‘Sustain’]. If ‘Close’, the analysis will be closed after completion. If ‘Release’, the analysis will remain open in OpticStudio, but the link with python will be destroyed. If ‘Sustain’ the analysis will be kept open in OpticStudio and the link with python will be sustained. To enable interaction when oncomplete == ‘Sustain’, the OpticStudio Analysis instance will be available in the returned AnalysisResult through AnalysisResult.Analysis. Defaults to ‘Close’.


A SurfaceCurvature analysis result