


zospy.solvers.surface_pickup(cell: ZOSAPI.Editors.IEditorCell, from_surface: ZOSAPI.Editors.IEditorRow | int, from_column: constants.Editors.LDE.SurfaceColumn | str = None, scale: float = 1, offset: float = 0) ZOSAPI.Editors.ISolveSurfacePickup#

Picks up the value of cell from another surface.

cell: ZOSAPI.Editors.IEditorCell

Cell for which the value should be set

from_surface: ZOSAPI.Editors.IEditorRow

Index of the surface or surface from which the value is picked up

from_column: float

Column from which the value is picked up

scale: float

Factor by which the picked up value is scaled. This value is only set if the cell supports a scale factor. Defaults to 1.

offset: float

Offset which is added to the picked up value. This value is only set if the cell supports an offset. Defaults to 0.

The SolveData object for the surface pickup.